Tottenham - UK Election Results
Details of election results in the constituency of Tottenham during recent General Elections
Current status after 2017 General Election:
LAB maj of 34584 (70.09%)
Current MP: David Lammy MP
2017 Tottenham General Election Result
Labour (40,249)
Conservative (5,665)
Liberal Democrat (1,687)
Green Party (1,276)
UK Independence Party (462)
LAB vote share UP 14.25% CON vote share down -0.48% LD vote share down -0.71% GRN vote share down -6.65% UKIP vote share down -2.61% 2015 Tottenham General Election Result
Labour (28,654)
Conservative (5,090)
Green Party (3,931)
Liberal Democrat (1,756)
UK Independence Party (1,512)
TUSC (1,324)
Peace Party (291)