Sheffield South East - UK Election Results
Details of election results in the constituency of Sheffield South East during recent General Elections
Current status after 2017 General Election:
LAB maj of 11798 (27.06%)
Current MP: Clive Betts MP
2017 Sheffield South East General Election Result
Labour (25,520)
Conservative (13,722)
UK Independence Party (2,820)
Liberal Democrat (1,432)
Social Democratic Party (102)
LAB vote share UP 7.11% CON vote share UP 14.11% UKIP vote share down -15.43% LD vote share down -2.06% 2015 Sheffield South East General Election Result
Labour (21,439)
UK Independence Party (9,128)
Conservative (7,242)
Liberal Democrat (2,226)
Green Party (1,117)
Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol (207)
TUSC (185)
English Democrats (141)